Why does everyone in this book whisper so much? YOU’RE THE ONLY TWO PEOPLE THERE. “Say something,” Christian commands, his voice deceptively soft. He is the picture of all that is safe in this world. Lorraine: And it’s not like he’s stalked her, ordered her about gruffly, threatened to debase her and has taken great joy threatening to never let her escape from his helicopter. You know, since she’s known him for a whole 2 days and all. Sara: If only Nancy Drew were on the case!Īna’s a little scared at first, but then decides that she’s certain Christian Grey would never try to hurt her. I’m sure it’s easy to mistake romancing lighting with murder-y lighting, if you are a rookie. Lorraine: Yeah, I probably wouldn’t have described the lighting as romantic. (Her words, not mine.) Basically, it looks exactly like all of our BDSM rooms.Īna takes it all in pretty calmly compared to how I would handle the situation. Canes, whips, floggers (oh my!), a large wooden X with cuffs on each corner, and the amazing lighting that makes everything look soft and romantic. MYBAD.” Good thing I had plenty of warnings before getting here.Īna spends about fifteen hours describing the dirty, dirty sex room to us. This is the part in the book, where if you didn’t know it was a dirty dirty novel, you might be all, “UM. Sara: I’m so happy to be along for the ride with all of you, because this book is PHEN.

2.) I’ve been emailing my group of friends all the time about this terrible book and one of those emails was basically me trying to woo them over to the dark side and recap with me. Lorraine: There are two things she isn’t telling you here: 1.) I MISSED SARA’S INTERNET PRESENCE SO MUCH. I AM SO IN.” Because when you’re talking about a book as awful as this one, the shouty capitals are really necessary. The moment I found out my laptop was fixed, I texted Lorraine to say, “COMPUTER FIXED. Just last night, my wonderful husband fixed my computer because he is the best husband in the whole world really, really tired of listening to me bitch about it. For example, 1) my car broke down and I had to buy a new one, b) my laptop committed suicide, and cat) I got laid off at work. So a whole shitstorm of shitstorminess happened right after I got married. We join them now, seconds after he’s finally revealed his Spanish Inquisition style play room. There, he wooed her by making her sign a non-disclosure agreement. Previously :Grey took Ana to his apartment.